Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Hisashiburi neeeee =DDD
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Because I feel like writing..
hi guys..dh lma dh tak jenguk blog nie kn..suma bz dgn hidop masing2 ..
Hmm nk tulih pa ek..thinking2..
ermm memandangkn skrg nie ramai dh kawan2 kita yg dh married and planned to get married dalam masa terdekat ni hihi.. yang dah pregnant dan jgk yang dlm perancangan..lets talk about folic acids intake..
Apa yang aku ingat time belaja aritu kalo aku xtido dalam kelas la hihi..we are advice to take folic acid supplement seawai 3 month b4 u planning to become pregnant..the reason behind this because the baby brain and nervous system develop during the 1st trimester..n bleh diamalkan sepanjang2 9 bln pregnancy tu.folic acid ni dpt prevent birth defect esp brain and neural tube baby. Contoh dia mcm spina bifida
Folic acid can be found in the following foods:
Fortified breakfast cereals
Black beans
Orange juice
Enriched breads and pasta
Romaine lettuce
prevention is better than cure..for more details..bleh laa buka link nie.
next time kalo ada free time g..aku cita benda lain plak apa2 yang ada kaitan dgn health n i'll make it as simple as posibble..malaskn nk baca panjang2..hope we can get benefits from it..
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Kisah Kucen2ku yg ku sygggg sgt~
Time: 10pm previouse day,,the day b4 etc...huhuhu
I kept thinking, bosannya dok rumah..ada housemate mcm xdak housemate.
So i decided to have a kitten as my company at home.
On the spot I called hamsi..
me: amsi! nk kucen! xkre adopt ke nk beli ke..nak jgk! huhu
hamsi: ok nant kita g petshop ricky2..
me: xpe2, kita sama2 ricky..kalo jmpa yg baek bgtau eh..
the next day I went to petshop at Damansara Damai..
My eyes just stuck at 2 kitten. tros call hamsi..lusa kita g bli kucen!
ni la kitten2 baru aku..
MOMO (aku punya)
POPO (hamsi punya)
Believe it or not,, kucen ni mix Persion+local..RM200 sekoq!! normally 3 4rat.. apa lagi, kami rembat r..huhu.. FYI, 2 2 ni adik bradik.. nice kn??
Ni la kesayangan aku skrg..MOMO.. ni otw nk p jmpak vet utk 1st time vaksin, hamsi bwk.. 2 2 br umur 4stgh bln..
X sabaq nk p amek depa dr hamsi.. its my turn to take care of them coz hamsi dah nk cuti sem.. POMO!! Adik datang eh! tggu tau! =P
Ni pulak kisah kucen kesayangan ak kat kampung..BUBU..
10pm my mom called me..
Mom: haven't u got my sms?
me: nope..y?
Mom: Bubu miscarried..
me: hah!! y?
Mom: She jumped on ur shoe box n slipped.. 2 days meow2 nonstop n got into fever.. the next day delivered but the kitten is still small..poor Bubu =(
me: alamak... br ja mimpi kt dia.. :'(
Mom: I brought her to da clinic coz her fever not recover.. doctor injected her with meds.. she kinda meroyan sekejap.. poor bubu..
me: my Bubu:'( i'm on my way back to kedah asap!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
My 1st week at WORK.. duhh~~~

Saturday, May 29, 2010
~we call it love!~(aliaa's report)
thanks to farehah sbb organize event ni..
we spent a day 2gether..
as for me..blk umh kira lpas maghrib b4 isya' la...
my personal special thanks to :
nutt(sbb tlg amek p jitra mall),
pah(frm jitra mall to bamboo to tmn jubli emas),
upha(frm tmn jubli emas to umh farehah to tmn rakyat mergong(hehe..umh saya)...
knp tajuk entry aritu i'm gorgeous?sbb ni~!!!hehehe~
hehehe..tudung i am gorgeous...
lgpn..yg kuaq ari tu suma yg gorgeous2 blaka...
x caya?tgk ni..
for me,bnda yg paling best about yesterday was even kta dh lma x jmpk..
but we still could talk about random things..
frm a very tiny to big issues..
everyone is still with wholehearted pure n sincere hearts..
loving each other...
our jokes n concerns..never fade away..
i really could c that..
gosh..i think i just addicted with u guys??
yup..admit that~!!!hahaha..sorry..can't help it~!
smlm br 7 org yg jmpk..
i wish the other 19 pn join jugak..
nutt ada suggest.."kta rent klas "K" blh?"
everytime jmpk cmni..
i always realize how i miss every single time we had together..
n how beautiful our friendship is..
this year(2010) is the 6th year the name "kayerz" ever existed..
n i hope we could always be the same for the next 1o,20 n even more years after that...
aiseyh..ter-emo sat..hehehe~
apa2 pn...
i knew that u guys knew even wihout me mentioning this right?
Friday, May 28, 2010
5 YEARS OK skunk kita nk wat survey!
juz answer q based on number n reply it on comment sbb lg sng kn nk baca n yes b free to add q!
- whose gonna hit the aisle first?
- whose gonna hv a baby first?
- whose gonna b a DATiN/PUAN SRI first?
- whose gonna b related? *by married*
- whose gonna marry the foreigner?
- whose gonna open a bussiness?
- whose gonna achieve their dream first?
- whose gonna cry first at frens wedding?
ok i think this enough :D im gonna post my answer now!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
~i'm gorgeous : 26th May 2010~
izza xleh join friday ni..
so i planned to just meet her..
then we thought..
nk ajak la yg len2 sama..
so contact farehah..
dia nk ikut~!!!yeay~!!!
mlm tu farehah text kata diah n una nk ikut skali..
wah..lg best~!!!hehe~
dat day itself..tgh bersiap2..tehah text...kata nk ikut jugak..
6 org~!!!!
dok xpect upha n nutt nk ikut skali..
tp since diah call upha dia dok tgh tumbuk cabai..(hehehe~)
n nutt keja..
so 6 org ja la..
even pix ni dh di-upload kat fb..
tp stil nk ltak kat cni yg pnting2..
sj ja la..
wt knangan..
comey ja suma org..hehehe~
knp tajuk entry ni i'm gorgeous?
tunggu esok..(28th)
apa2 pn..rasanya nk kna tukaq la tmpt jmpk next tym..
lighting x cntik la bla tgkp gmbq..hurm..
personally L.O.V.E this pic~!!!!!!
xtau psepa..hehehe~
~can't wait for 2moro~!!!